Tilde MT for business

Hospital Concierge

Voice-enabled AI virtual assistant to support hospital visitors.

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Hospital concierge

Visitors of healthcare facilities are often frustrated trying to find their way around or looking for information. Customized to meet the user needs, a virtual voice assistant helps visitors and reduces the workload of hospital staff by:

  • Answering FAQ
  • Handling voice and text inputs
  • Providing instant answers
  • Carrying out simple tasks
  • Helping people with special needs
  • Meeting the highest security and privacy standards


Unlock the potential of conversational AI


Improve your visitors’ experience

Reduce frustration and help your visitors find their way around or instantly receive basic information by means of text or voice inputs.


Ease the workload of front-line staff

Let your virtual concierge take care of repetitive information requests and simple tasks, giving your customer service representatives more time for complex or pressing matters.


Take care of multiple visitors at once

Facility concierge can simultaneously handle multiple communication events 24/7.


Multilingual modality

Our intelligent virtual assistants can be developed to support multiple languages and use voice and text modalities for communication.


Advanced dialogue management

Tilde’s conversational virtual AI agents use our proprietary dialogue management solution to enable human-like dialogue scenarios and consider the communication context while looking for the most relevant response.

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This solution is based on R&D results of the COMPRISE project

The COMPRISE project (Cost-effective, Multilingual, Privacy-driven Voice-enabled Services) is a research and innovation action funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 program. It aims to develop the next generation voice interaction technology that will be more affordable, inclusive and, above all, secure. 

For more information, see https://www.compriseh2020.eu/